Lynden Pindling International Airport, the main international gateway to The Bahamas, has selected ADB SAFEGATE as a turnkey partner for a refurbishment project that includes renewing the approach systems for both runways at the airport.
Lynden Pindling International Airport boosts safety and availability
ADB SAFEGATE is working with a local partner to install the airfield lighting infrastructure. A new high-intensity approach lighting system on the airport’s main Runway 14 will increase operational awareness to support safer night operations and bring the airport closer to achieving CAT I status.
Tourism is a major industry in The Bahamas, and ensuring both runways at Lynden Pindling International Airport are functional and can handle as many flights as possible is a priority for the airport.
ADB SAFEGATE helped the airport design the new approach systems and will deliver its RELIANCE airfield ground lighting (AGL) setup to include LED threshold, runway end and taxiway edge lights. LED AGL provides significant power savings, has a longer life and is resilient in all weather conditions. It requires less maintenance and dramatically improves airfield availability, resulting in decreased costs associated with maintenance and runway shutdowns.
The setup also includes ADB SAFEGATE’s RELIANCE LED Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) system for safer approach operations, its Airfield Lighting Control & Monitoring System for control of the lights, and Power CSF Constant Current Regulators (CCR) with ACE3 to power the lighting setup and support remote control and monitoring of the CCRs. Third-party products, such as approach towers and a sequential flashing system, were also supplied.
ADB SAFEGATE is working with a local contractor to install the equipment. Installation of the PAPI units and Omni-directional approach lighting system (ODALS) on Runway 10 is complete and work on both runways is expected to be completed by May 2020.
“We’ve been involved from the very beginning of this truly collaborative project. Working with the airport, its partners and our local contractor, we’re focused on meeting the ambitious timelines. In the long run, we look forward to greater collaboration to help Lynden Pindling International Airport achieve its vision,” said Christian Onselaere, CEO, ADB SAFEGATE.