ASD, together with 20 signatories, call on the EU Institutions and Members States to take the necessary steps to implement the joint declaration adopted yesterday, outlining their shared commitment to improving Europe’s airspace.
Digital European Sky conference
At the “Digital European Sky” conference, organised under the Finnish Presidency of the EU, representatives of 21 EU aviation and workers associations signed a joint declaration committing to a set of concrete actions to finally and fully implement the vision of a Single European Sky (SES).
Global passenger traffic is expected to double by 2037 – accommodating this growth while at the same time addressing its environmental and social impacts is key.
The Single European Sky is an effective way to address European aviation environmental challenges by delivering an efficient and integrated air traffic management system. It will require the introduction of new technologies, interoperability of systems, harmonized regulation and adequate infrastructure.
Europe and its citizens deserve an efficient and sustainable airspace, and we hope that the full implementation of the SES vision will lead to these much-needed improvements.