Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA) has worked together with Frequentis to implement the next generation tower flight data management system, Electronic Flight ProgrEss Strips (EFES) to reduce Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) workload and increase situational awareness. The tool is now is now certified and operationally deployed in Poland.
Poland enhances air situation picture with FREQUENTIS and PANSA
EFES acts as a centre of information exchange, a processor that increases the predictability of air traffic, makes flight operations safer, the technical environment automated, and network management easier. This deployment allows PANSA to serve as an information hub for tower-related data at all airports.
“At PANSA we are very proud that a tool as great as EFES was implemented successfully and is now enhancing the safety of aerodrome operations, improving the collaborative decision making and supplying controllers with a greater amount of important data. For the last four years we have been working on concepts that are bringing this technology to all towers, regardless of size, with a goal to improve connectivity and predictability as well as the working environment for controllers.”, said Janusz Janiszewski, President of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency.
“The contract with Frequentis for EFES was a major step forward, also in regard of future standardisation of the tower-related data. PANSA is pleased to confirm that the contract awarded to Frequentis AG has been delivered.”
EFES is a part of PANSA Digital Tower strategy: a programme that builds tower object – based services, targeting more flexible information sharing. The goal is to present information data regardless of a source of information, whether it is a flight plan, a radar target or a video picture, it will be processed and delivered.
“It has been great to work with PANSA to support them in the next steps for digital tower data management. Tools which support controllers in their daily work are important for safely managing flights when demand and controller workload increases, but the digital tower of the future also supports business continuity in times of crises such as these.” Says Hannu Juurakko, Frequentis Vice President ATM Civil and Chairman of the ATM Executive Team.