Flights in Italy continue to display a steady and progressive growth trend. In the first half of July, flights over the Italian skies more than doubled compared to June.
From July 1st to the 15th ENAV managed 33,000 movements
From July 1st to the 15th ENAV managed 33,000 movements, with a daily average of 2,200 flights and a peak volume of 2,521 flights on July 10.
In the entire month of June ENAV had managed 26,300 movements, with an average of 866 flights per day and a peak, on June 26, of 1,323 flights.
Air traffic in June declined 86% year on year while in the first half of July there was a 20% recovery of traffic, which leads to a 66% traffic decline compared to the same period last year.
The 33,000 movements managed by ENAV in the first half of July are divided as follows:
46% international flights (arrival or departure from/to a foreign airport);
25.4% domestic flights (arrival and departure on Italian airports);
28.6% overflights (that cross the Italian airspace without landing or taking off from Italian airports).
The progressive recovery of traffic on the Italian airspace is in line with the growth trend recorded in the rest of Europe starting in June and, according to Eurocontrol forecast, in the second half of August more than 50% of the flights recorded in 2019 should be recovered.