From June 21st to 23rd, Leonardo will take part in the Madrid World ATM Congress, the year’s most important international air traffic management (ATM) event, showcasing a portfolio of technologies which are ready to meet the current and future needs of passengers and airport operators.

Leonardo at World ATM Congress
The company’s expertise also encompasses digital communications, navigation, surveillance and cyber solutions, ensuring operational continuity during every phase of flight while at the same time reducing environmental impact. With a view to the future, the company is investing in the next generation of enabling technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Augmented Reality.
Among the advanced capabilities on show at the World ATM Congress is LeadInSky, Leonardo’s new turnkey solution for air traffic management. Developed to operate in complex scenarios, LeadInSky can integrate a wide range of products and tools to meet international requirements for ground and in-flight operations.
The solution, which includes the digitalisation of sensors and functions, includes ground control, route verification and analysis, as well as post-processing functions and is already operational at major international hubs. LeadInSky draws on Leonardo’s depth of experience in the ATM/ATC sector, and will see further development in order to manage greater volumes of traffic in complete safety.
Also on show on Leonardo’s stand is the C Band TMMR (Tactical Multi Mission Radar), a latest-generation radar based on AESA technology. TMMR was developed to detect and track drones and small targets, highly manoeuvrable targets, including hostile drones.
In addition to radar and navigation aid systems, Leonardo will be exhibiting an innovative new workstation designed in accordance with the most recent ‘human factors’ studies, both in terms of the graphic user interface and through advanced support tools. This includes a neurometric headset which can measure the stress levels of air traffic controllers.
Another domain Leonardo is highlighting at the show is the progressive integration of uncrewed systems into airspace (UTM), in line with the SESAR U-SPACE roadmap and European standards for remotely-piloted aircraft. In this particular field, Leonardo is a key player in a series of innovative projects. The company is demonstrating its ability to manage drones within a national ATM system, maintaining adequate levels of safety and allowing flight in non-segregated areas via the use of satellite services to improve positioning, and navigation performance and accuracy.
Finally, during the World ATM Congress, Leonardo will present some important results obtained from activities carried out within the SESAR (Single European Sky Advanced Research) programme. The work concerns the integration of drones in controlled airspace and the future CNS (Communication, Navigation, Surveillance) infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence with Automatic Speech Recognition, and interoperability through SWIM (System Wide Information Management).
Participating in SESAR since 2007, the company is currently involved with 13 active projects in the different phases Wave 2 (2020-2022) and Wave 3 (2021-2022), which are carried out in collaboration with Telespazio, Telespazio Vega, Leonardo Germany and e-GEOS. In particular, Leonardo is coordinating the PJ13-W2 ERICA (Enable RPAS Insertion in Controlled Airspace) and PJ14-W2 I-CNSS (Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance System) projects.
As of 2021, Leonardo has renewed its commitment by becoming a founding member of SESAR3JU (Joint Undertaking), the new public-private partnership, co-financed by the European Union, through the Horizon research and development programme, and by industry, to realise the goal of the Digital European Sky through research and innovation.